Friday, January 27, 2012

Welp, a little while has gone by since I resurrected the blogging side of my brain, and I haven't written much, mainly because I don't know what I have to write about. Which was exactly the purpose of STARTING a blog - I needed a push to start up writing again. So here goes.

Life is good in Colorado. The weather is crisp, every day is a different kind of day. For example: Today it snowed, and the high was 39. Yesterday it was sunny with a high in the upper 50s. You never know what to expect, and just when you start getting sick of the cold, it gets warm again, and vice versa.

Oh, dear, I've resorted to discussing the weather on my blog.

My recent obsessions: 

- Pinterest. I never "pin" anything myself, but I LOVE browsing through the DIY and Home/Decor categories when I have downtime. It's so inspiring to see some of those photos! I also want to bake absolutely everything I see on that site. INcluding, but not limited to: 
Cookie Dough Truffles
S'More Krispy Treats
No Bake Oreo Truffles

I LOVE desserts, in case you can't tell. :) :)

- The Hunger Games. I was in Barnes and Noble one day, bored of all the must-read classics I've been forcing myself to get through lately, and I decided I just wanted a book I enjoy reading. I haven't felt that in a while. It's not that I don't enjoy reading Love in the Time of Cholera, it's just, that sometimes at the end of a long day my brain doesn't exactly yearn to remember long character names and complicated plot twists. The Hunger Games is on the light side, but I really enjoy the first book.

-The school I work at. The good feelings I had on my first day haven't faded, and I enjoy going to work every morning. The students are SO sweet, even the ones with behavior issues. I'm getting used to not only being called "Miss!" but also "Teacher, teacher!" "Ms. V," "Ms S," "Ms Shevy," and just about every other thing they can come up with. I love it.

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